"There is no substitute for a good substitute teacher."
Due to the numerous requests for a FREE checklist from visitors to our site, it is now a permanent part of STT Online. Please feel free to download or print out for your future use. Lesson Plans: _____age/suject appropriate worksheets _____read-aloud books _____deck of cards _____pair of dice _____commercial board/card games _____magazines/newspapers _____list of online appropriate websites for subject matter/children _____portfolio of specific lesson plans for subject(s)you will teach Supplies: _____pens _____colored pencils _____glue/gluestick _____pencils _____erasers _____masking tape _____ruler _____scissors _____transparent tape _____crayons _____mini-stapler _____index cards _____markers _____paper clips _____self-stick notes Consumable Materials: _____egg cartons _____paper plates/cups _____popsicle/craft sticks _____yarn _____toilet paper/paper towel tubes _____newspaper _____drinking straws _____toothpicks _____old catalogs Rewards and Incentives: _____candy (sugarless is best) _____stickers _____pencil grips _____puzzle books _____pencils _____small toys _____mini-books _____erasers _____trading cards _____scratch pads |